Palma Handstand (Studio class)

We are located in Mysore House in Palma de Mallorca.

Location Google maps HERE

The classes are taught in english.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions HERE


19:00-20:15 Handstand for beginners with David.


1 Yoga class 15 euro

Class description

Handstand classes for beginners!

Learn handstands safely and enjoyably in our class.
- Tools and techniques to strengthen your practice.
- Build confidence to practice near or away from the wall.
- Focus on falling safely, strengthening wrists, shoulders, and core.
- Exercises for flexibility and mindfulness.
- Designed for beginners with options for intermediate and advanced levels.

Everyone can do handstands! All you need is the desire to try. Come with an open mind and a willingness to have fun. We look forward to seeing you!